
B.D party @ studio

i had my "pre-birthday party" at my studio. my real B.D is actually coming this week.
as i am expecting to go to other friend's B.D party this weekend, i held my B.D party a week earlier.

yes, my age is not what it says on the cake. it was baked by my friend S, she is a kind girl who made me some(?) years younger. how sweet of fer.

the party went fine.
nothing like a big party, but a small cosy party i wanted to have.
so i did not invite many people. just some friends who i consider as close friends and who i really want to know more were invited.
after all, there were 10 grown-up (includes me) and 2 babys ( 0 & 1 year old! young!)
started from 12:00 and end 18:00. so little one managed to join the party.
ice hockey match finland vs sweden was the night before my party. so people staied up late night and came to the party with hangover(?). we staretd off with drinking tea and very end of the part, we opened 2 bottles of bubbly wine. how modest and healty party......

thanks for my friends who came all the way to my countryside studio.
it was so sweet party! after the party, i went to bed with a feeling of love and happy.
thanks for my friends!


Anonymous said...

お誕生日 おめでとうございます!



mika said...

