
from a magazine

this picture is from the magazine "KODIN" not the newest one but from feb 2008.
i happen to found this magazine the other day.
look at the window! (sorry it is not a very clear one)
it gripped my eyes. this work is just like the one i had in my mind! the window design and style is very similar to mine. and on top of this to bring the stained glass into the living space, this is what i really REALLY want to do in the future. hopefully in very near future.

there was an article about the stained glass window. the house locates in holland and the stained glass windows are originally from 30s. it has been there since then!
oh yes, i see de-stiji influence on the window design...like piet mondrian's painting??

how nice work.
modest but effective.
the stained glass is not only for church windows nor with the flowery design.
they can be simple and stylish.

hope someday (soon) i get a chance to make a work like this.


ola said...

it is so funny that many of us have those dreams about their work. their final own. we women whould unite and create a total work of art;
you should stay eager about this idea. what about creating one for your studiowindow, photograph it and make an exhibition with all your work at the norsu galleria? or go to the NOW office and show them your idea...

mika said...

thanks for your advice.
jee, i am thinking what to do and thinking and thinking and thinking... and again think it over.