as my life style changed, it has been a bit difficult to travel to my studio in the countryside.
i loved to be there and i enjoied being there. but it is time to move on.
today, i and V were there to clean up and bring my belongings out from there.
V said "this's so nice place!!" yes, i know, it is a wonderful place!
it is indeed pity to leave off from here.
only distance was not suitable for me, now.
i said many good byes and thanks to the building when we drove off there.
it was a special place with many many memories.
my working place is now back in "kellari" where i used to do my glass works.
a year ago, it was not too fun to work alone at Kellari.
but now my situation is so much different from then. so i am not feeling bitter about coming back here.
more like feeling positive about this change.
new change and new start for me.